
Inviting applications for fully funded scholarship schemes by Government of India exclusively for Sri Lankan nationals

High Commission of India, Colombo is inviting applications under Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Commonwealth Scholarship scheme for Sri Lankan nationals. This scholarship is being offered for studies in prestigious Indian Institutes and Universities for Under Graduate/Post Graduate & PhD courses in various domains such as Engineering, Science, Business, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts, among others Inviting applications for fully funded scholarship schemes by Government of India exclusively for Sri Lankan nationals

Why Business Giants Fall: The Risk of Neglecting Governance and Administration

Chathura Ganegoda (BSc (USJP), MCIM (UK), MBA(UOC)) In the vibrant world of local business, some companies rise to prominence, becoming integral parts of their communities. However, beneath their success lies a hidden danger: neglecting the basics like governance and administration. While these might seem unimportant, ignoring them can lead to a company’s downfall. This article Why Business Giants Fall: The Risk of Neglecting Governance and Administration

APIDM – Fundamentals in Digital Marketing

Overview Here is what you can look forward to in this 30 minutes course Duration 30 mins Contact Details +94 77 1775763www.apidm.asiaNo.291/33, (3rd Floor), Havelock Gardens, Havelock Road, Colombo 6

ICBS – C-Suite

Overview The fast-track Global C-suite Business and Finance Programme offers candidates the opportunity to sit for the final exam of the CIMA qualification. Upon successful completion of this exam, along with the requisite work experience, candidates become eligible for CIMA membership and earn the esteemed professional global designation of Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA®). This ICBS – C-Suite

APIIT – LLM International Business Law

Overview The LLM International Business Law degree is awarded by Staffordshire University, UK. This advanced course of study in contemporary business law can be completed in one year. The degree is designed to enable LLB graduates and legal practitioners to gain expertise in business law, to enhance their research skills and to study legal issues APIIT – LLM International Business Law

ACBT – Pre-Foundation Certificate

Overview O/L and A/L are the standard examination systems available for our children as testing methods to assess whether they are capable of entering into higher education. However, according to the research conducted by academics, it is obvious that the children fail these standard exams due to various social, economic and technical distractions that divert ACBT – Pre-Foundation Certificate


Overview The Staffordshire University LLB focusses not only on giving students an in-depth knowledge of law, but also on developing in them the skills and competencies needed for the legal profession. To this end, the programme comprises of modules that provide foundational and specialized knowledge of law, as well as modules which aim to develop APIIT – LLB (HONS) Law

APIIT – BEng (Hons) Software Engineering

Overview Each year organisations worldwide invest millions of dollars to build software systems. This programme is designed to train students to develop high quality software systems ranging from smart phone applications to modern enterprise applications. BEng (Hons) Software Engineering is a fulltime honours degree awarded by Staffordshire University, UK. It includes up to one year APIIT – BEng (Hons) Software Engineering

APIIT – BA (Hons) Digital and Social Media Marketing

Overview Digital marketing channels have revolutionised business operations. With the growth of markets and technologies, the scope for digital marketing is only going to continue to expand and there is an immense potential for its growth in Sri Lanka. The BA (Hons) Digital and Social Media Marketing will equip students with the skills and experience APIIT – BA (Hons) Digital and Social Media Marketing

APIIT – BA (Hons) Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Overview Innovation and enterprise lie at the heart of todays successful businesses. In a world characterised by volatility, complexity and uncertainty, leaders must know how to improvise through innovation. The BA (Hons) Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship will develop students’ ability to think flexibly and creatively, and they will graduate with the entrepreneurial mindset required to APIIT – BA (Hons) Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

APIIT – NCUK International Foundation Year

Overview NCUK qualifications are designed in collaboration with NCUK universities and combine high academic standards, with language, study, social and cultural skills. Taught by quality assured partners, students can study at NCUK Study Centres located around the world including APIIT. These qualifications are backed by fantastic levels of service and support, and an outstanding track APIIT – NCUK International Foundation Year

APIIT – Computing Foundation

Overview The Computing Foundation programme prepares students with GCE O/L qualifications who do not wish to puruse GCE A/L studies or those with inadequate GCE A/L qualifications to enter the Staffordshire University Computing degree programmes. The overall rationale of the programme is to prepare students to pursue and complete satisfactorily the degree studies leading to APIIT – Computing Foundation

APIIT – Law Foundation

Overview The Law Foundation programme prepares students with GCE O/L qualifications who do not wish to puruse GCE A/L studies or those with inadequate GCE A/L qualifications to enter the Staffordshire University Law degree programmes. The overall rationale of the programme is to prepare students to pursue and complete satisfactorily the degree studies leading to APIIT – Law Foundation

ANC – BBA Management

Overview The bachelor’s degree in Management focuses on the broad functional disciplines of management and prepares graduates with a diverse background in general management and industry who have developed strong ethics and outcomes. Northwood University’s Management curriculum is one of the most relevant of its kind. Created by our faculty, with advice from the professional ANC – BBA Management

APIIT – Business Foundation

Overview The Business Foundation programme prepares students with GCE O/L qualifications who do not wish to puruse GCE A/L studies or those with inadequate GCE A/L qualifications to enter the Staffordshire University Business degree programmes. The overall rationale of the programme is to prepare students to pursue and complete satisfactorily the degree studies leading to APIIT – Business Foundation